From historical literature to tattoos
Our collections include objects, photographs, archives, film, sound and literature with a connection to primarily merchant shipping from historical times to the present day. The collections were founded in the 1870s, when the Nautical Society in Gothenburg began to collect mainly older shipping literature, but also objects, drawings and other documents.
Limited access
The collections of objects, photographs and archives will are going through an extensive inventory. Unfortunately, we therefore have to temporarily shut down parts of our operations. This means that we have a limited availability to answer external questions and provide material in the coming years. Image orders are received to a lesser extent and service can be provided if an image is digitized or can be easily scanned. We will also not be able to receive visits to our warehouses or grant new loans. Thank you for your understanding!
Explore images from the collection
During 2021, the Maritime Museum Akvariet inventoried images with so-called extinguished copyright. They are now published on Wikimedia Commons through the project “2021 images in 2021”.